In order to attend the GWO Blade Repair course a certificate in epoxy and polyester safety is required.
Participants must follow national law in Denmark, where is it a prerequisite that participants before starting GWO Blade Repair, must hold the following two certificates:
47942, Personal safety when working with Epoxy and Isocyanates
Work on epoxy and isocyanates may only be carried out by persons who have completed the training required by the Danish Working Environment Authority's Executive Order No. 1793 of 18 December 2015 on work on substances and materials (chemical agents), Appendix 3.
48139, Polyester molding safety
Work on styrene and polyester may only be carried out by persons who have undergone special training prepared by the Labor Market Organizations and approved by the Director of the Danish Labor Inspection Authority, cf. 2011 with later changes.
The only way to document this is by presenting certificates like the ones below.